Sunday, January 10, 2016

2016. Reflect in order to properly respond.

Before I can respond, I must reflect. As these first days of 2016 pass, I find myself reconsidering my word for the year. Reflection has two meanings, both of which will be important to me as I continue this journey of education. In order to be a good teacher and researcher, I must reflect, not just on my own work, but on the work of others so that my own pedagogy is grounded on solid philosophy and based in reality rather than hypothesis. At the same time, I must always reflect my core beliefs that rest in the Gospel. No matter what is expedient or politically correct, my life must be a shining reflection of Jesus. In academia, that is a challenge, but Truth prevails over the wisdom of man. My goal this year is to be both reflection and reflective so that, when the end of the year arrives, I will have a clear sense of who I am, where I am going, and what I want to do with the second half of my life.

Sunday, January 03, 2016