In my quest to refine myself as an artist, I decided to take some on-line courses. Not official, accredited courses, mind you, but challenges and instruction from successful mixed media

artists armed with books by some of the best. One course actually began in late fall, while two officially began January 1.
The first project included a variety of distressing techniques applied to shipping tags. The twelve tags recieved a variety of treatments: coffee staining, marbling, watercolor...
...and then embellishments. My little tag book took on a music and art theme.

I was able to include stamping, embossing, packing tape

transfers, brads, miniature game pieces, sewing, fibers, handmade paper, silk flowers, and a dozen other things. It was tremendous fun and I learned the art of dry brushing, new ways to watercolor, and fearless experimentation.
It was a good way to transition from 2007 to 2008. There are so many things to learn about art--and in the process I suspect I will learn a great deal about myself as well.