Sunday, August 05, 2012

Who me?

A woman called me "beautiful" today. I've been having a kind of "confidence crisis" the last couple of weeks. My weight is up a little and won't budge. My running is slower than a year ago. I keep getting blisters (going back to Ryka running shoes). My clothes don't quite fit right. I haven't completed any of my planned projects for this summer and school starts in just over a week. (The workshop WILL be done tomorrow.) Suffice it to say, I feel substantially LESS than beautiful.

Then today. I was working in the Cafe at church, as I do every Sunday. Kiahla was on the espresso bar, so I was doing odd jobs: cleaning tables, pouring iced tea, fixing hot chocolate for kids (extra whipped cream), and making sure there are cream and sugar. Nothing fancy, nothing special. A customer was waiting for her latte and she said something--I don't even remember what-- but she ended with beautiful. The surprise must have registered on my face because she added,, "Every Sunday you're here with that beautiful smile and friendly spirit. You are beautiful." Wow. Thanks, Lord, I needed to hear that.

Then I decided to go for a walk. I downloaded one of Louie Giglio's sermons to listen to. It was the first in a series called, Wide Awake, and it was titled "Who You Really Are." It a nutshell, Passion City Church has been in a 30 day mission to "Receive Love and Reflect Love," sending out e-mails with a single scripture verse and the reminder:

Good Morning... just wanted to remind you who you are in Christ:
God-designed, purpose-intended, significant, lavishly-loved, prince/princess, son/daughter of the King of the Universe.

I had been reading the e-mails and even sending them out to friends whom I thought needed a boost. I hadn't really considered that God wanted ME to get the message. I am beloved. I am beloved of the Creator, who knit me together and knows me inside and out. Beloved. I know that. Apparently, I reflect that--even when I have nagging self-doubt. Wow.

That God can work through me when I'm not paying attention, or in the mundane tasks, is overwhelming. It also reminds me that people are watching--even though they don't know it. Finally, and most importantly, God loves me so much that He orchestrates words of encouragement in the most unexpected places.


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