Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude Day Three

Day three...Today I am thankful for a body that functions. Sure, I have asthma and I deal with pain and muscle spasms on a pretty regular basis, but I can walk and communicate and use my hands to create. I can hear and see and taste and smell and touch.

I use all five senses in everything I do. Vision, of course, is the one I use the most--and usually without considering just how amazing the mechanism is. Music is such a part of my life that my sense of hearing is priceless to me. I love the sounds of my girls laughing together. I miss the sound of the Pacific Ocean waves crashing on the shore. The wind through the trees in my Georgia backyard reminds me of the ocean, and I find it relaxing.

To smell and to taste--I love good food. The smell of bread baking is the sweetest fragrance I know. When Brian cooks (which is most of the time) I know that not only will his creations fill the hole in my belly, but my soul as well. Of course there are other scents that I love: orange blossoms, star jasmine, honey suckle, salty ocean air...the list goes on and on.

And then there is touch. I am a kinesthetic learner; I learn by touching, manipulating, and doing. I love using textures in my art. Fabrics with interesting weaves or embellishments make me feel creative and unique.

God said that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139). I need to remember that more often and give thanks that God put me together just the way I am for His purposes and His ultimate glory. Today, then, I am thankful for my body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachel Gragg-

I am thankful for a body that functions, too! All around the world there are people who can't get to a doctor for their horrible desease. There are people who have uncureable deseases, and there are people who do not know the Best Medicine--Jesus CHRIST! I am thankful that I know CHRIST, and that I am safe here. No matter what happens, He is always with me! I AM fearfull and wonderfully made!